Wednesday, August 25, 2010


After my rant the other day about sourcing images, I thought I should say something nice about graphics.  Today the science editor was working on a story on biosynthetic corneas.  As corneal surgery doesn't make for pretty pictures, he thought a graphic of the process would be better.  I got the job of researching and sketching out what the graphic should include, before sending the brief to the graphics man.

A couple of hours later, look what the nice graphics man brought round for me to check:

How cool is that?  How good would it be if we had a graphics man on site at the university who could whip up this sort of thing in a morning?  Ooooh.  I want one.  And I almost want my graphic to get to the paper more than I want my writing to.

1 comment:

  1. I've often thought that we really need the services of a graphic designer. I find myself frequently redesigning poster, leaflets, report and increasingly web sites, as well as creating my own graphics for slides etc. I've only got an art O level (grade A mind...), but it often amazes me how much difference even a little design nouse can have on the visual appearance of our work. I'll maybe raise this with the authorities...
