Friday, August 20, 2010

Cycling, part 2

I wonder if you know what this is?

It's a ghost bike.  A memorial for a cyclist, left near where they were killed on the road.  This one is on the southern approach to Tower Bridge on my way to work.  I noticed it the very first time I cycled past.  There was a bus in front of me with an advert about cycling safety on it.  I find it very poignant and especially like the little bundle of dried flowers.  But it also makes me a gulp.  How stupid is this cycling in the city lark?  "Lethal" according to my landlord.

Someone spotted me cycling the other day.  "You look like a real Londoner", they said.  I'm not sure if that's a complement or not.  I'm trying hard not to act like a real Londoner.  I have a real concern that if everybody just starts jumping red lights, the whole nature of society as we know it will collapse. 

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