Tuesday, August 17, 2010


According to google maps, where I live in Stockwell is 4.2 miles from where I work in Wapping.  Google suggested a walking route that I thought would be fine for cycling.  It was and is fine.  But guess what else I found?  What's blue, 1.5m wide and is almost as good as the information superhighway? 

It's the Cycle Superhighway.  Isn't it beautiful?  Isn't that a nice shade of blue?  On the bit across Southwark Bridge, it is even physically divided from the main carriageway.  Around Elephant & Castle it takes a slightly round about route through the back streets which is a bit of a pain.  But truly even I, with full bike swagger, am a little scared to cycle a folding bike around Elephant & Castle.

The Cycle Superhighway is sponsored by Barclays.  I think that might be why it's blue.  But maybe it was going to be blue all along and they had to find a sponsor who was happy with that.  I find it a bit odd that a bike route might be sponsored by anyone.  But why not?  If that's what it takes.  Cycling on the superhighway is a bit like a bike race.  People flying past, jostling of wheels at junctions.  My limited gear ratio means that I must maintain a stately plodding speed and not race anyone.  At the moment this is fine.  It gives me a chance to have a look at the world.  Maybe when it's raining and I'm late, it will become more frustrating.

But look what else there is.  Not just nice blue lines, also some nice blue bikes.

These are available to hire on an hourly, daily or yearly rate.  I think GBP45 per year.  What a bargain.  And yes I did see some people riding them, not dumping them in the river.  I saw 4 or 5 men in suits on blue bikes this evening, presumably riding home.

Is it sad that it makes me happy to be alive because there is a city in the world where there are big blue cycle lanes that drivers respect and nice bikes to hire to ride on them?